What NO SHAME ALL GAME really tries to encompass and encourage is a lifestyle of enjoyment, that it's okay to be gluttonous when indulging in living a fulfilled life!! Travel, eat, drink, listen, visualize, accomplish - Venturing further for the sake of progress and discovery... The body is a vessel for the soul to experience it's earthly journey, don't confine it!! This site is dedicated to bringing light to forms of pleasure and joy, whether through taste, visual aesthetic or audible waves - Pleasure in enjoying the offerings our world holds host to...
          ART can be found literally anywhere and it doesn't take an artist to recognize it... Everyone can afford themselves different amounts of LEISURE time but it's not the amount of that time, it's what one can get out of those times - Create cherishable moments!! HIP-HOP is a culture that encompasses many avenues, thus it brings together people from many walks of life, but it's truly a living entity that can accomplish great things for the world, and NSXAG will bring forth rays of that light... A LIFESTYLE is a commonality amongst every individual on earth, granted there are obviously drastically different lifestyles the world over, everyone has one and many are worth being shared...
          So enjoy the write-ups and hopefully some will become a catalyst for you to also venture further in life!!

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