
Saison du Buff - Do you even lift, bro?!

Dogfish Head X Stone Brewing X Victory Brewing - Saison du Buff [Ale brewed with parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme] (12oz ---> Dogfish Head Curved Pint Glass : 6.8% ABV)

  Always when searching for the next beer to try, I look for some sort of spark, that little something that engages me, and beer brewed with "parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme" did exactly that!! Secondly comes the fact that it's a collaboration brew between three excellent breweries, Stone recently celebrating their 18th Anniversary (Congratulations to them!!) Although, I note Stone's anniversary, I obviously picked up the Dogfish Head release, stating this because each brewery brews the beer with the same recipe and ingredients, but releases them individually... Fittingly, Riot Fest begins tomorrow and there I will get to see the subject of a previous article, Anthony Green, perform with his previous band Saosin; thus I chose to enjoy a saison on the eve of the event…
  For anybody who doesn't recognize the significance of "parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme," I'll leave that ambiguously in the air… BUT - For any who do recognize it, just know it was a nostalgic thing for me, as it brought me back to road-tripping with my mother at a young age, so needless to say passing up this beer would feel like I'm dishonoring my mother in a sense!!

  It poured delicately forming a nice two inch head, composed of big rocky bubbles that hung around a good deal of time, leaving a fair amount of lacing behind… It poured a bright golden yellow with far less haze than I had expected, but great clarity overall… On the nose was some resiny dank, atop some grapefruit and bread notes… It gracefully hits the tongue with far less bite than many saisons do, though the slight spice is present later on in the drinking experience… Mid-pallet the yeasty, bready notes come through as well as a great deal of surprisingly bright earhyness, a far different flavor from what I had expected the herb presence to bring… The finish is smooth and moderately light, but leaves behind a lingering herbs and hints of funk… Mouthfeel on the beer is fantastic, as it's light and sessionable, but full bodied enough to carry the array of flavors within… Overall it was nothing short of fantastic, as these three brewery's choice herbs paired wonderfully with the mellow hops and yeast flavors for an amazing beer!! Another great brew - Cheers!!

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